Scholarship Students
At Fundación Metas we are convinced that the most effective way to overcome conditions of vulnerability is through education. For this reason, the scholarship program supports those students from the first deciles, who reside and want to study at accredited institutions of higher education in the regions of Ñuble and Biobío.
Our work is aimed at finding students who come from vulnerable sectors who wish to develop professionally and support them during their studies.
For this, we provide a scholarship that covers 90% of the annual cost of the careers chosen by the scholars. In addition to this, during the study process, a follow-up is made and the commitments acquired with the foundation (academic performance, voluntary work and participation in institutional activities) are reviewed every six months in order to renew the benefit. During their educational process, young people are accompanied and given tools so they can finish their studies successfully and so that they can perform better in the workplace.
Apply here
The application process for our scholarships for the first semester 2018 is open. If you meet the requirements, you can apply until Friday, March 9, in this way.